Friday, December 23, 2005

Photos and more photos 12/23/05

Cause we don't want you to forget what we look like.

It snowed a little bit, so Ethan and I made a little snowman (or "Baby No-man" as he calls it), but we couldn't find anything that would suffice for a top hat (speaking of which, who has a top hat lying around by the way, let alone a baby top hat... stupid song), so we gave the snowman a yarmulka. We believe in equal-opportunity snowmen.

These blow up Santa's below that are hung from windows and patios, etc. are really really big in Belgium. At first I thought it was cute, but a couple of them like the Santa here on the bottom right make the big guy look like he's trying to sneak back inside after a long night of boozing and whoring or something...not the image I want the kids to grow up with. Hopefully it'll be many years before either of them know what whoring or boozing is, though it is Europe, and they start them on the bottle young.

Is it just me, or do I look absolutely massive here. Seriously, like Yao Ming-huge.

Feeding the hissing swans of Hoeilaart... I didn't know they hissed either, until there was a battle royale for old baguette between the swans, geese and some kind of weird duck (according to my mother-in-law) that I unfortunately didn't get a shot of... they look like a combination of a turkey and a goose... not a pretty sight. We tried to give them most of our bread because they were just so goddamn hideous, but the swans and normal looking geese would usually box them out and get to it first.

Couple of shots from the Grand Place in downtown Brussels and surrounding area. From the top: St. Michel Cathedral, manger scene in the Grand Place, Sara and Ethan, having just rubbed the gold statue behind them for good luck - a Brussels tradition, a seemingly impromptu carolling session in this covered gallery area off of the Grand Place.

This last one is of the angels that were hanging all over the gallery mentioned earlier. They were all kind of modernistic and freaky, and this one gave new definition to the term burning bush, so have to end with this of course in what is becoming a trend of finishing with something offensive.

Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Found our house! 12/21/05

So we've had a crazy week of house-hunting, bread, cheese and chocolate-eating (don't drool on your computer Dougherty) and not much sleeping, but we made it through.

We found a house that we love, moving in on January 1st. It's a 4 bedroom + loft (photos on right) in a leafy commune called Auderghem about 15 minutes from downtown Brussels, and we're actually on the border of the commune (Watermael-Boitsfort) where Sara grew up. Coincidentally enough one of the places we went to go see was in a building where Sara spent most of her childhood and where her name and that of her friends were still inscribed on a cellar wall. Part of me wonders if that was the sole reason we went to check the place out...

I actually fell in love with the first place we saw... this townhouse in an area called Ixelles, very close to downtown and with tons of stuff to walk to, but the landlord was this old Belgian Biddy (sp?) as Sara refers to her and she seemed a little kookoo. Plus her garden backed onto ours and so if she did turn out to be a pain, there would have been no avoiding her. Anyway, we decided it was worth a chance, but when we went to put our deposit down and were going over the terms, she didn't like that we had asked that I not be on the lease. In the end, we acquiesced, but it was too late. She felt it would be too complicated.

As it turned out, it was for the best as we found this place that will be better for all of us, it's more village-y, it's close to Sara's Mom, our friends, Meme (Sara's friend since age 2) & Yves, a lot of sports facilities, parks for the kids, 2 mins walk to the metro, tram and bus that all take you right downtown very easily.

Anyway, that's been our last week or so... couple of other quick observances of our new hometown: It's cold and rainy. Petrol and orange juice might as well be gold for what it costs. The former is about $6 a gallon, the latter makes me feel like Mortimer or Randolph Duke from "Trading Places" for how much I'm investing in OJ.

Speaking of which, I always get Mortimer and Randolph mixed up. I just checked IMDB, and Don Ameche was Mortimer, and Randolph was Ralph Bellamy (left to right in photo) This is important information - you guys are lucky I'm around. While at IMDB checking that out, I took a look at the memorable quotes (my favorite IMDB feature) and I had to to add this one, just for the sole reason of how they credited the two speakers.

Even Bigger Black Guy: It ain't cool being no jive turkey so close to Thanksgiving.

Big Black Guy: Yeah!

I wonder sometimes about the people who's job it is to give credits to the smaller roles, and how they decide on what to call people. But then that's me, and obviously I don't have a lot going on upstairs... I did once I think, back in high school maybe? Don't know what happened. College, LA, marriage, kids, maybe a combination of all of the above. You know, looking back on UVA now with the 10 year mark coming up, I have to say, I've got some great friends from Beta, but man, pledging a second fraternity, that was really frigging dumb. Ethan, if you're reading this one day, you pull that shit, you'll be transferring faster than you can say Phi Gam, goddamn.

I digress... other differences between our old home and new home: Did I mention that it's cold and rains a lot? Also, in the town square where Sara's Mom lives (a little Flemish commune about 20 mins from Brussels called Hoeilaart, pro 'Hewwlaart') there are two vending machines that I doubt we'd find in the States. The first isn't so weird really - it sells fresh bread (loafs, rolls, etc.), but I've never seen it in the US. The second is a condom machine. Not that notable except for it's location - right in the town square, a couple of blocks from a school, next to a bank, a few steps away from a bread machine, available to anyone with a couple of Euros. Imagine that flying in the States. The religious right would get that monumental issue taken to the Supreme Court I'm sure. Anyway, I will take photos to prove it, I just haven't gotten around to it yet. Speaking of which, my wife just looked over my shoulder to tell me I'm rambling again. What was that term again, Belgian Biddy? ;) What, I love you baby, cmon.

Last thought of the day... Redskins are going to the Superbowl!!! OK, maybe not, but we SWEPT the Cowboys. HOW 'BOUT THEM REDSKINS!

Last, last thought. I'm already in hot water for the "biddy" comment, so might as well make it count. Jamie Lee Curtis in "Trading Places" has to be up there with Julia Roberts in "Pretty Woman" and Patricia Arquette in "True Romance" for sexiest prostitute in a movie. I'd say Patricia Arquette wins the award, except for the snaggletooth action she's got going on. Though I have to say, I admire her for not getting that cosmetically fixed, cause you know the subject must have come up tons of times. On those offensive last notes, till next week, or maybe sooner if I get that photo of the condom machine.

Louis: Looking good, Billy Ray!

Billy Ray: Feeling good, Louis!

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Balmy Brussels 12/14/2005

After the last couple of whirlwind weeks of selling almost everything we own, saying goodbye, cleaning up until about half an hour to departure for LAX, the flight part was actually the first time we were able to sit in one place and reflect on what the hell we were thinking! Although the light reading material that a friend provided for me for the flight (the National Security Council's "National Strategy for Victory in Iraq") perhaps had the reverse effect desired and in fact confirmed that we were doing the right thing. ;) Thank you CP.

I think we really second-guessed ourselves as soon as we stepped out into the cold of Heathrow to catch a shuttle from Terminal 1 to Terminal 4 for our connection to balmy Brussels, remembering fondly how we had been in shorts, t-shirt and flip-flops only hours earlier... (if you LA friends want to have a good laugh at our expense -

Now that we're here, we're getting settled in, trying to get over the jet lag and get the kids on schedule. We've got so much to do still - find a place, buy furniture, go Christmas shopping! Doh! Better run. But first, we wanted to say thanks to all of our friends who came out the other night to the Cozy Inn to say goodbye and to everyone who helped us over the last crazy few weeks.

We are going to miss all of you, and I know we sound like a broken record by now, but we really and truly hope you can make it over for a visit to Brussels sometime... if you don't recognize us at first at the airport, I will be the guy with the goatee and beret in a Speedo with the Victor Hugo bumpersticker on my Vespa, and Sara will be the chain-smoking, spiked-hair blonde (and that's just her armpits) in the mini-skirt who only speaks English when she curses. Sheeet, sheeet! God only knows what the kids will be like.

Love to all.

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Gone blogging 12/13/05

Before we left the US, someone had suggested we start a blog to keep in touch, and we thought it was a good idea. I'll be the one primarily doing the entries, but I'm sure Sara will make a guest appearance from time to time. I'm new to this blogging stuff, so it'll be a work in progress. Also, a warning - I ramble. In the blood. Can't help it. I'll try and post photos of the kids more than I ramble on about the minutiae of living in Brussels or the Redskins or how Ethan's left foot or Sonia's potty-training is coming along. Anyway, here goes.