Sunday, November 12, 2006

Halloween, job and Movie Hero

Couple of photos from Halloween when Claire, Dom and Ellie came to visit. Good times, as it always is when we're with those guys. Jo's visiting now, went out in Antwerp last night until 3am, feeling a little rough today. Photos to follow, haven't downloaded yet.

Halloween. Ethan and Ellie were pumpkins, Sonia a cat.

Got that job, started last Thursday, working in the legal department, writing/editing the documents for the board and committee meetings. It's pretty dry material, but it's the first job where I'm writing and editing for a living, so I think I'm really going to like it. It's definitely going to keep me busy as there are a total of about 80 committees between the hq in Bxl and the offices in Amsterdam, Paris, London with more expansion expected.

Some other good news, this time re the Movie Hero , that movie I was involved with a few years back. It came out on DVD November 7th and is available at Netflix, Amazon, etc. I won't see a penny of any profits unless we sell about a million copies, but it's still a cool feeling. All the credit goes to Brad, I haven't lifted a finger on the film for probably 3 years. A lifetime ago.

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